The BioSciences major offers a rigorous exposure to the modern experimental and computational disciplines within Bioinformatics and Medicinal Chemistry fields. The curriculum includes upper-level coursework in chemistry, physics, applied informatics or bioinformatics allowing students to deepen their understanding of the intricate world of (nano)bio-oriented chemistry. Students have the opportunity to experience cutting-edge modern research within the faculty. Our curriculum is designed to provide students with a broad and well-rounded education that will enable them to pursue a career in academia and pharmaceutical or IT industry.


Bioinformatics constitutes an interdisciplinary research area, covering applications of computer science, chemistry and biochemistry to solve biological problems, usually at the molecular level. Typical activities include analysis of information contained in literature, genetic and structural
databases, prediction of protein structure, drug and biocatalyst or biosensor design. The curriculum introduces programming skills necessary for automation of database searches and analysis of numerical and bioinformatics data, including analysis of new genome sequencing (NGS) results. The
study programme includes advanced computer programming as well as specialized molecular biology techniques which are highly valued on present job market.
JOB PRospects
The combination of computational skills and basic knowledge of biotechnology aims to prepare the graduates for work in research and development sectors, manufacturing chemical software or databases, developing modern bioinformatics diagnostic services in medical laboratories, conducting quality control in environment protection pharmaceutical or food industry laboratories. Our graduates typically continue level III (Ph.D.) education in renowned academic institutions or are employed by national and international companies.

Bioinformatics constitutes an interdisciplinary research area, covering applications of computer science, chemistry and biochemistry to solve biological problems, usually at the molecular level. Typical activities include analysis of information contained in literature, genetic and structural
databases, prediction of protein structure, drug and biocatalyst or biosensor design. The curriculum introduces programming skills necessary for automation of database searches and analysis of numerical and bioinformatics data, including analysis of new genome sequencing (NGS) results. The
study programme includes advanced computer programming as well as specialized molecular biology techniques which are highly valued on present job market.
JOB PRospects
The students are educated in the field of chemistry, mainly synthesis, structure analysis including spectroscopic methods, molecular modeling, machine learning and they have training in medicinal chemistry. Some students, depending on their master thesis topic, may accomplish part of their research and/or graduate laboratory at Medical University, under supervision of medical doctors or in the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy in Wrocław. Master’s Degree programmes provide many skills and abilities demanded in scientific laboratories as well as in modern chemical and pharmaceutical industry, especially in R&D units.