Advanced Nano and Biomaterials MONABIPHOT is a Master’s course which offers an original qualification in the highly innovative domain of nanomaterials and molecular photonics for materials science and biology. Skills will be acquired at the strongly interdisciplinary level needed to master emerging technologies and to develop original concepts and applications, aiming at novel technological breakthroughs in this domain. We offer courses concerning synthesis and characterization of new materials on the molecular and nanoscale with the special impact on biology. 

The introduction of the course’s subjects help the student to acquire competences as future
experts in material science, with special impact on nanomaterials. The language of the Advanced Nano and Biomaterials MONABIPHOT Master’s is English. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, Physics or Materials Science or related subjects, with a good background in mathematics and chemistry. The graduates could continue the career in research in nano- and/or bio-materials, as Ph.D. students or R&D associates in industrial laboratories in the rapidly emerging nanotechnology industry.

The programme is aimed at students already awarded or expecting a BSc (or a higher degree) or equivalent before the starting date of the term (September 2024 for the current applications).

A neuron with an implanted microchip.

JOB PRospects

The graduate has extended knowledge of chemistry, materials science, natural sciences and technical skills:

The graduates are prepared for creative work in the design and operation of newmaterials.
The graduate is prepared to run the own business.